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The Best Defective Vehicle Lawyers


What are Motor Vehicle Product Liabilities?

Each component of a vehicle—from the doors to the engine—are considered motor vehicle products or components. When one of these products is faulty, it can cause direct or indirect injury to the driver or passengers of a vehicle. If a component in the vehicle contributed to an accident or injury, then the manufacturer may be held liable.

Airbag Injury Lawyer

Airbag Injury Lawyer

AIrbags are a safety feature in modern vehicles that are meant to reduce serious injuries in the event of a car accident. When these essential safety components fail, the driver and any passengers in the vehicle can suffer serious injuries that they may not have otherwise sustained if the airbag(s) had been working as intended. A personal injury lawyer can help you determine if the manufacturer of the vehicle, including the airbag, could be held liable for any injuries sustained.
Defective Car Door Lawyers

Defective Car Door Lawyers

Car doors keep the driver and any passengers safely inside the vehicle while it's in motion and traveling at high speeds. If a door doesn’t latch properly and a child or other passenger falls out of the vehicle while it’s in motion and gets injured, or a car door otherwise malfunctions and causes an accident or injury, then the vehicle manufacturer as well as any other stakeholders responsible for safety testing of the vehicle and its doors may be held accountable in whole or in part for those injuries, and be required to compensate the victim(s).
Defective Tire Lawyer

Defective Tire Lawyer

The tires on a vehicle are obviously one of its  most important components. When a tire or multiple tires on a vehicle fail, there  can be catastrophic results, including  a serious accident. Tire liability may fall on the tire manufacturer, the vehicle manufacturer, or the tire shop or other business that installed the tires. A personal injury lawyer can help you determine who is liable based on your situation.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You with a Motor Vehicle Product Liability Claim

Strype Injury Lawyers will help you navigate the process of submitting a motor vehicle product liability claim. We will negotiate  with your insurance company and refer you to our network of medical professionals to ensure that you  receive the right recourse for injuries caused by defective car parts, and the best treatment options for injuries sustained.

We’ll be your advocate and negotiate or litigate for as long as it takes for you to receive a reasonable settlement or other recourse. We’ll work closely with you to ensure you receive all available benefits (accident, disability, third-party liability, or tort).

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