What is Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional (e.g., doctor, nurse, dentist, etc.) causes physical and/or mental suffering due to negligence, error, or omission of a critical part of a procedure. It can also include failure to properly explain the risks involved with a certain treatment or procedure, thus nullifying any signed consent. Any doctor who does not obtain an informed consent faces liability. Strype Personal Injury Lawyers draw from our extensive experience in medical negligence cases and negotiate with the legal representatives for the doctors, the Canadian Medical Protective Association. (CMPA) Hospitals are represented by a different insurance reciprocal. Both doctors and hospitals are very capably defended and rate plaintiffs’ counsel as to their experience and success in medical negligence cases.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer can help you with a Medical Malpractice Claim
Strype Personal Injury Lawyers draw from our extensive experience with medical malpractice cases and negotiate with insurance companies and refer our clients to our network of medical professionals to ensure our clients receive the right recourse and the best treatment for injuries sustained due to negligence.
We examine the facts of the case and refer to medical experts to obtain an opinion that the treating medical team fell below the applicable Standard of Care. There is no viable claim without this expert medical opinion. Liability does not depend on the seriousness of the injuries as there are risks with all medical treatments.
We will be your advocate and will negotiate or litigate for as long as it takes for you to receive fair compensation. We’ll work closely with you to ensure you receive all available benefits (accident, disability, third-party liability, or tort).